Glowing feedback from a judge for the 30th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards (First paperback edition of The Hermit):

Structure, Organization, Pacing: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book is exemplary in its structure, organization, and pacing. The structure of the chapters/parts aid in a compelling organization of the story or information. The pacing is even throughout and matches the tone/genre of the book.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Structure, Organization, Pacing:

Reviewer 1

What a fantastic story! I admit I don’t normally read books in this genre, but yours pulled me right in from the very beginning. The opening scene was perfect, setting up the various plotlines for the rest of the book. The pacing was spot on, as was the organization and structure. I never felt lost as I navigated my way through the different plotlines, each perfectly paced and executed.

Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book has spelling, punctuation, and grammar corresponding with the region of the world from which the author hails (ex. British English or American English) or with where the book is set (including slang, vernacular, or dialect). These choices are intentional and implemented consistently throughout with few, if any, errors.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar:

Reviewer 1


Production Quality and Cover Design: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book is exemplary in production quality and cover design. The physical materials, printing, and binding are of professional quality and traditional industry standards. The typesetting and page layout (including illustrations, images, or figures) are easy to follow, thoughtfully designed, and error free. The cover appears to be professionally designed and is compellingly related to the content/genre of the book.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Production Quality and Cover Design:

Reviewer 1

Wonderful cover. Gives a flavor of what the story is about.

Plot, Story, or Topic Appeal: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book is exemplary in its choice of topic or theme of the story. It is unique but still has strong appeal for most readers in its intended genre. If the book is fiction or narrative nonfiction, the book is well plotted. If the book is poetry or prescriptive nonfiction, there is a cohesive theme or delivery of information.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Plot, Story, or Topic Appeal:

Reviewer 1

I enjoyed the various storylines. You do a superb job juggling them all in a way that held my interest throughout. I liked jumping back and forth between Charva, Retyar, Arzan, and Ellaniel. Their stories are compelling. I couldn’t wait to find out what happens to them and how they handle the upcoming crises. I also loved the time travel aspect that underpins the main plot. It isn’t easy managing the various plotlines, but you managed it beautifully.

Character Appeal and Development: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book is exemplary in character appeal (or interest) and development. All main characters (including antagonists) are unique and fully fleshed out with compelling, layered motivations and traits. Secondary characters are unique and have a meaningful purpose.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Character Appeal and Development (for fiction and narrative nonfiction only:

Reviewer 1

Your characters were all well-rounded and well-executed. Despite the fantasy aspect of the locations, they felt very real and easily relatable. I especially loved Charva and her quirkiness. They all pulled me into their stories to such an extent that I will definitely be reading more in your series.

Voice and Writing Style: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.

Reviewer 1

This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout. The style and tone are also consistent with or will appeal to readers of the intended genre.

Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Voice and Writing Style:

Reviewer 1

You do a wonderful job creating a world that is easy to understand and navigate. Your writing and voice are engaging and compelling. For someone not accustomed to reading books in this genre, I didn’t get lost in trying to comprehend the different provinces, the characters, and their motivations. There was enough emotion to make me care about your characters and want to find out what happens to them.

In a few explanatory sentences, please share with the entrant 1-3 things that you enjoyed or that readers will find compelling about this book and why.

Reviewer 1

Lovers of this genre will enjoy this book very much. It expertly creates a different world that encapsulates wonderful characters, time travel, and situations that will test the characters and provide excitement to the reader.

In a few explanatory sentences, please share with the entrant 1-3 of the most important aspects that need to be improved for this book to be more appealing/useful to readers and why.

Reviewer 1

I strongly suggest you put a subtitle that lets the reader know how much time has passed between scenes. Sometimes you mention it in the narrative, but it’s much easier to refer back to if you have it in a subtitle rather than having to reread chapters in order to figure out when things are happening.